Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dead Rising 2

Here's a few screen shots from Dead Rising 2, a game which, frankly, I hate.   The first Dead Rising was a cool game back when it first came out, but it had lots of annoying and frustrating gameplay mechanics. Time limits, timed cases that once expired, you wouldn't be able to do unless you restarted the game, fucking escort quests, and frustrating human enemies/bosses etc.  The controls were clunky, and practically the only time a zombie would hit you, was because it either lunged 5 feet to grab you, or it caught you while you were stuck waiting for your animation to finish.  

Dead Rising 2 retains everything that made the first DR "bad", and then goes and makes it even worse.  Now on top of the 72 in-game hour time limit, you're tasked with finding Zombrex for your daughter Katey, AND clearing your name.  Both of these are timed of course, and once expired, kiss your daughter goodbye or whatever happens if you don't prove your innocence. 

Despite the first Dead Rising's flaws, I still enjoyed it for the most part. I beat the normal story mode and got a good ending, don't know if it was the BEST ending or not, but whatever.  So I've been really anticipating Dead Rising 2 for years, hoping they would get rid of the things that pissed me off in the first.  Sadly no, they've gone and made it even more shitty.

Can't imagine myself sticking it out to see the end of DR2.  The game just isn't worth the frustration for me.  

There was a time when I thought all the best games were made in Japan, but lately if it is Japanese, it will be marred by out-dated and frustrating gameplay mechanics, among other strikes against it. 

Anyway, on to the screens...

 Doris, right after killing me for the 3rd time in a span of 5 minutes.  I was escorting you to safety you stupid bitch...  This is especially bad since I had just kicked a zombie off of her... 

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